Dec 27, 2020

Morning Collages -- Weeks 5-7


Get caught up in my adventures from Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, & Week 4 wherein I disclose more about this mysterious creative process.


Right when I thought I was getting into the swing of a new habit, I just stop. Sort of typical for me - it's like my own version of rebellion. When I know something is fun and I could do it every day, suddenly I find that I don't want to anymore. Instead of bemoaning this fact, I decided to just let myself sit down and create whenever I wanted, which meant this habit became not as daily. And that's fine. The more I try to do something 'perfectly' the more it sort of ruins the creative magic, you know?

So here's a smattering of my creative energy over the last three weeks. Three of which I did just this morning, to give you a sense of how uneven this creative process has been of late.

Dec 5, 2020

Morning Collages - Week 4

To get caught up, see my adventures in Week 1Week 2, and Week 3, wherein I disclose more about this mysterious creative process.

Another week, another batch of weird collages. This truly is the first thing I do every morning. I sit down at my little desk in the corner of my living room and bring out my tools - my hodge-podge of 'collections' - and make something. I've realized doing this that I love it and want to make bigger art works and eventually have more space in which to deploy my creative mania. But for now, carving out this little window of time for myself to play is just what I need.

Dig in!