Nov 28, 2020

Morning Collages - Week 3

To get caught up, see my adventures in Week 1 and Week 2, wherein I disclose more about this mysterious creative process.

Officially this means I've formed a habit - 21 days of doing something new. 

I know it's a good one, too, because it doesn't feel like a chore. I genuinely look forward to waking up and shepherding these weird creations into my day. Every morning I allow whatever grabs my attention (of my gathered store of images/words/etc.), whatever I REALLY like, to find its way onto the page. It's like a Polaroid image of my inner self emerges every day for me to think about. And only I know all the associations and thoughts behind the collage, or what I left out at the last second. When my art journal is full, it will be a true representation of the state of my soul in 2020...

the impossible is something worth investigating, indeed.

the more i look at this image, the more sinister it gets...

cthulhu beings breaking through...

the upper playground for this guy is somewhere in the blue fields of purgatory. Sometimes he likes to come up and play with his friends. 

Look closely and you'll see them...

this soft singular sphere 

soothes my soul

*I was thinking of the double slit experiment where the very act of observing changes the event seen...

stretches of time        unearthed the first inventory

an act of embodied recollection that reveals

a living history for artists and activists to occupy and interpret

text as a stage for performance
            that subverts

preservation for something that was formerly invisible

*See, "The Language of Art"*
*And if you're interested, dive into my other plunderverses (my 2020 obsession)

better to lose your sense of perfection now

than have it drive you too far into the details...

Until next week. 

