Sep 5, 2019

Zombie Self-Portrait (Plunderverse Poem # 4)

Zombie Self-Portrait

I remember the first year art had changed

the art making happened in the neglected rental
with strangely shaped rooms and walls
crawling with words 

and mysteriously the electricity was spotty
crackling, black-stained extension cords

ideal for her plans

astral abstractions on canvas and paper
graphite greys and jaundiced yellows

a figure made of nightmare

early evidence of zombification
long tresses of hair and insects
jellyfish sacs and vermin
snakes for flesh 
surrounding a grinning set of human teeth

dumpster-dive faces,
masks of mess

black hole covered over 
with an aggregate of natural wonders
and street horrors


  1. i love the way you put your feeling in the shape of words..

    1. Thanks! One of the reasons I love poetic form :) So many shapes to pour emotions into.
